Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The little things in life...

These are the things that happened to me over the last year that I cherish and am grateful for. I know more such things are headed my way. Feel inspired, folks! Sometimes little things are bigger than you think ;) Cheers

After a long wait, I got inducted into my dream job in my dream company. The feeling of achievement was amazing, and the accolades from well wishers kept pouring

I made a lot of money. I had more than enough to take care of my expenses and then some. I partied like a maniac and had the time of my life

I made two very close mates last year. The three of us are now ready to drop everything for each other and are always up for a bit of fun

I grew a lot closer to my sister. I am grateful she’s in my life.

My best friend returned from the UK, and the two of us have been really catching up and spending some quality time.

I’ve made a lot of friends at work. I am really popular there

I’m respected and well liked at the workplace. I can get things done that other people cannot and can make contacts with anyone

I visited Delhi twice last year. I love going there.

A really close friend of mine got married, after two bad marriage episodes.
A former employer and I made up after an altercation at work and he is as ready to help out as he was before.

I made it to Bangalore in January. My friend and my sister showed me a good time there

I had a kickass party for my birthday. It was good to see all my old friends at the same time and place.

It was nice to get time off from work as regularly as I did.

I landed the job of my dreams under a very able and respectable boss.

A really good friend went cold turkey on drugs after years of abuse.

Reconciled with an ex girlfriend.

Two long lost friends of mine showed up out of the blue.

Foreigner concert in Bangalore! Kickass time, one of my favourite bands.

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