Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 2 Day 1

Hey all

Had an reasonable day today, it was okay. I got the mail on week 2, and I'm just done "cleaning out my closet". :P

Eminem had to leave, but this time it's only my old stuff ;) I was amazed at the amount of junk I had in there, I found clothes I never knew I had, and some brand new stuff I'd never worn! Too bad, they had shrunk, so I had to get rid of them. I'm just wondering how I managed to find what I wanted from in there for so long! The task was rather pleasing, my wardrobe looks NEAT now, and mom's gonna be really happy as well ;) She's not gonna be too happy that I borrowed her travel case to dump all the stuff I want to give away though ;)

"Neat" was never a word anyone has ever wanted to associate with me thus far, but I guess I can show 'em! I've never been a fan of what I used to term "manual labour". "Son, could you water the plants please" "Aw, Mom!", and "Clean out your car, sonny" "Dad, get real!" are real life reactions I have to such work, but I guess it ain't work when no one's making you do it ;)

Jokes apart, I think the task itself was inherently meditative, and that is a good thing, because your mind is focussed on cleanliness and order. I admit my wardrobe is not exactly going to win any prizes for being the neatest wardrobe in the neighbourhood, but I'm satisfied. I can find what I want just by scanning the surface now, and all the unwanted junk is out of bounds (I even trashed some of my boxers :P )

Thank you, forum. I actually enjoyed doing this. And it's my mind that feels decluttered.

Oh, and I'm gonna be posting pics of my parents' reactions when they check out my spanking clean wardrobe ;)



PS: I never could sign off without a (poor) attempt at humour, could I? But I think Nyan Cat (http://nyan.cat/) beats Justin Bieber any day!


MarilynWeiz said...

Wonderful post! I myself didn't enjoy the decluttering week too much, but reading your post gives great insight on how to go about it next time around! I'll be sure to follow you so I can keep up with your AIM journey!!!

Akshay said...

Glad to be of help. I shall be posting daily, and I'm happy to receive comments ;) best of AIM to you

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